Cnemidophorus martyris
A species of Whiptail lizards Scientific name : Cnemidophorus martyris Genus : Whiptail lizards
Cnemidophorus martyris, A species of Whiptail lizards
Scientific name: Cnemidophorus martyris
Genus: Whiptail lizards
Description General Info


Endemic to the Island of San Pedro, Mexico, cnemidophorus martyris is a small lizard with a long tail. This species is active during the day when it can be seen running fast over the ground. San Pedro martir whiptail diet consists of various species of arthropods.

General Info

7-10 years
Cnemidophorus martyris has a predominantly insectivorous dietary habit, favoring small arthropods. It exhibits a strong preference for ants and termites, often capitalizing on the abundance of these insects in its habitat.
Cnemidophorus martyris is a small and slender lizard, with smooth and glossy scales. Mainly olive-green in color, it boasts exquisite teal stripes running from its neck down to its tail. Its tail is sharply pointed and lengthy, exhibiting a remarkable contrast of orange and green. There are no unique variations in appearance based on age, gender, or subspecies.
Cnemidophorus martyris presents a solitary lifestyle, primarily living and foraging alone. Exhibiting significant territorial tendencies, it fiercely defends its space from intruders. Cnemidophorus martyris uses its keen sense of sight to detect and hunt small insects and arachnids. Adapted to its hot, arid environment, it's primarily diurnal, seeking shelter during the most heated parts of the day.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Whiptails Genus
Whiptail lizards Species
Cnemidophorus martyris