Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis
A species of Flying snakes Scientific name : Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis Genus : Flying snakes
Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis, A species of Flying snakes
Scientific name: Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis
Genus: Flying snakes
Description General Info


Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis is a unique display of arboreal adaptation, being one of the few snake species capable of a type of 'gliding' flight from tree to tree, a behavior that maximizes its predatory efficiency and escape from predators. Its diet predominantly consists of small reptiles and mammy, acting as a valuable population controller within its rainforest habitat.

General Info

5-10 years
Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis is a species of flying snake, typically measuring about 1 meter in length. The reptile has a slender, cylindrical body, with loose skin that assists in gliding. Its skin, which is predominantly bright yellow or gold, is covered in black crossbands, a distinctive feature of the species. Male and female don't differ in appearance, but juvenile chrysopelea paradisi celebensis are generally more brightly colored than the adults.
Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis are arboreal, known for their distinctive ability to glide via jumping from trees. Typically solitary, they exhibit aggressive defensive measures when threatened. They have a delicately coordinated feeding behavior, preying mainly on small mammals and birds in their tropical forest habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Colubrids Genus
Flying snakes Species
Chrysopelea paradisi celebensis