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Chrysopelea ornata ornata

A species of Flying snakes
Scientific name : Chrysopelea ornata ornata Genus : Flying snakes

Chrysopelea ornata ornata, A species of Flying snakes
Scientific name: Chrysopelea ornata ornata
Genus: Flying snakes


Chrysopelea ornata ornata is adept at arboreal life, displaying gliding behavior, an anomaly among snake species. This capability increases its geographical range and resource access, maximizing fitness. Also notable is its diet, mainly comprised of bats and birds, underscoring its status as a specialized predator in treetop ecosystems.

General Info


5-10 years


Chrysopelea ornata ornata displays distinct arboreal dietary habits, primarily feeding on small reptiles and amphibians. Its menu also features birds and bats, leveraging its gliding capability to hunt prey living in treetops.


The chrysopelea ornata ornata is an arboreal snake, slender and long, reaching lengths of up to 1.5 meters. Its skin glistens with overlapping, colorful scales. The top of the snake is primarily greenish-yellow, intricately contrasted by black crossbands. Black spots can be spotted underneath the body, providing stark contrast against the pale yellow underside. Chrysopelea ornata ornata's distinctly colored head forks into a 'V', a signature trait amongst this species.


Chrysopelea ornata ornata is an arboreal, diurnal species that often actively forages during the daytime. Remarkably, it exhibits aerial gliding as part of its locomotion, a notable survival behavior for evading predators and navigating forests. Typical social dynamics involve solitude, with males expressing territorial aggression during breeding seasons.
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