Ocellated skink
A species of Cylindrical skinks, Also known as Eyed gongilo Scientific name : Chalcides ocellatus Genus : Cylindrical skinks
Ocellated skink, A species of Cylindrical skinks
Also known as:
Eyed gongilo
Scientific name: Chalcides ocellatus
Genus: Cylindrical skinks
Description General Info


Chalcides ocellatus, or ocellated skink (also known as eyed skink or gongilo) is a species of skink found in Greece, southern Italy, Malta, and parts of northern Africa.UAE, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka.

General Info

8-10 years
Ocellated skink, commonly known as Ocellated skink, feeds predominantly on diverse invertebrates. Particularly, it displays preference for soft-bodied prey like spiders, earthworms, and various insect larvae.
Ocellated skink is a small, slender lizard, characterized by smooth, cylindrical body, and relatively short legs. Its scales are fine and glossy, primarily brown or tan with a pattern of dark circular spots. No notable difference in appearance exists between genders or age groups. This species lacks any form of wings, horns, or unusual tail features.
Ocellated skink exhibits a unique viviparous reproduction, where females give birth to live offspring. Despite their tendency to remain solitary, slight social interactions occur during the mating season. Ocellated skink is diurnal, frequently seen foraging for food during daylight. This species is also known to shed its tail in self-defense, a crafty survival tactic against predators.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Cylindrical skinks Species
Ocellated skink