Chalcides mionecton mionecton
A species of Cylindrical skinks Scientific name : Chalcides mionecton mionecton Genus : Cylindrical skinks
Chalcides mionecton mionecton, A species of Cylindrical skinks
Scientific name: Chalcides mionecton mionecton
Genus: Cylindrical skinks
Description General Info


Chalcides mionecton mionecton is recognized for its remarkable mode of locomotion, adopting a sidewinder-style movement that supports efficient movement across its harsh, rocky habitat. Remarkably, instead of typical hibernation, this species enters a state of brumation in cooler months, demonstrating an intriguing adaptation to its challenging environmental conditions.

General Info

8-10 years
Chalcides mionecton mionecton primarily feeds on small invertebrates, with a preference for arthropods. The diet chiefly consists of ants and beetles, supplemented occasionally by spiders and small crustaceans.
Chalcides mionecton mionecton is a small-sized skink, featuring a slender, elongated body with smooth, overlapping scales. This species predominantly displays a matte, dark brown coloration, with some specimens exhibiting indistinct lighter lateral stripes. Chalcides mionecton mionecton lacks external ear openings and limbs, resembling a snake, and its tail is long and tapering. Both sexes appear similar, and there is no noticeable variation with age or between subspecies.
Chalcides mionecton mionecton is noted for its fossorial lifestyle, burrowing proficiently to escape predators and extreme weather. This largely solitary species emerges primarily at night to hunt for invertebrates. There is little evidence of territorial behavior, indicating adaptability to variance in habitat density.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Cylindrical skinks Species
Chalcides mionecton mionecton