Chalcides bedriagai cobosi
A species of Cylindrical skinks Scientific name : Chalcides bedriagai cobosi Genus : Cylindrical skinks
Chalcides bedriagai cobosi, A species of Cylindrical skinks
Scientific name: Chalcides bedriagai cobosi
Genus: Cylindrical skinks
Description General Info


Chalcides bedriagai cobosi exhibits the fascinating behavior of autotomy, whereby it sheds its tail as a defense mechanism against predators. In its Mediterranean habitat, it burrows into soft soil and feeds primarily on invertebrates, particularly ants, showing high adaptability in its dietary habits. This unique combination of behaviors aids chalcides bedriagai cobosi in its survival and interaction within its ecosystem.

General Info

5-7 years
Chalcides bedriagai cobosi is an insectivorous species predominantly feeding on ants and termites. The diet also includes spiders, centipedes, and occasionally small vertebrates, portraying its opportunistic feeding behavior.
Chalcides bedriagai cobosi is a modest-sized skink with a slender body, smooth, shiny scales and petite legs. Its skin is predominantly bronze, interspersed with black and golden spots creating an attractive mosaic pattern. With a pointed snout and an elongated tail, it exhibits remarkable adaptability to its terrain. Both sexes and all age groups display similar appearance characteristics without any significant variations.
Chalcides bedriagai cobosi typically leads a solitary lifestyle and is active primarily during the twilight hours. It utilizes tactile procedures for prey detection and has a diet mainly consisting of insects. Chalcides bedriagai cobosi is known for its peculiar tail autonomy defense mechanism against predators and has physical adaptions for an efficient burrowing lifestyle beneficial for survival in temperate and semi-arid habitats.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Cylindrical skinks Species
Chalcides bedriagai cobosi