Cercosaura schreibersii schreibersii
A species of Ocellated tegus Scientific name : Cercosaura schreibersii schreibersii Genus : Ocellated tegus
Cercosaura schreibersii schreibersii, A species of Ocellated tegus
Scientific name: Cercosaura schreibersii schreibersii
Genus: Ocellated tegus
Description General Info


Cercosaura schreibersii schreibersii is a reptile with intriguing ecological attributes. This species typically resides in ecosystems with high humidity, displaying an adroit prowess in climbing vegetation, especially during twilight hours. A fascinating nocturnal predator, it primarily feeds on a diet of arthropods. Notably, it also exhibits the unique behavior of laying eggs in communal nesting sites, a rare trait among reptiles, indicative of a complex social structure.

General Info

8-10 years
Cercosaura schreibersii schreibersii principally feeds on arthropods like spiders and insects. It also demonstrates a preference towards isopterans, mites, and beetles while occasionally consuming seeds and fruits.
Cercosaura schreibersii schreibersii is a small, slender lizard with rough scales. Its skin is a predominately dark brown color, often punctuated by lighter patches in a somewhat fragmented form. Some specimens exhibit green coloration. Females are typically larger and more robust than males, and often have a more pronounced green hue. It doesn't have any horns or wings, but it does have a long tail.
Cercosaura schreibersii schreibersii is a nocturnal, semi-arboreal species, known for its climbing proficiency. It demonstrates crepuscular activity, best seen during twilight. Exhibiting solitary tendencies, it marks territories by leaving scent traces from the sides of its body. With remarkable adaptability, it maintains minimal body movement in low temperatures to conserve energy.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Spectacled lizards Genus
Ocellated tegus