Schreiber´s spectacled lizard
A species of Ocellated tegus Scientific name : Cercosaura schreibersii Genus : Ocellated tegus
Schreiber´s spectacled lizard, A species of Ocellated tegus
Scientific name: Cercosaura schreibersii
Genus: Ocellated tegus
Description General Info


Cercosaura schreibersii, known commonly as Schreibers's many-fingered teiid or the long-tailed little lizard, is a species of lizard in the family Gymnophthalmidae. The species is endemic to South America.

General Info

8-10 years
Schreiber´s spectacled lizard mainly feed on a diet of insects and spiders. This species exhibits remarkable finesse hunting and consuming small invertebrates, reflecting their role in maintaining invertebrate populations.
Schreiber´s spectacled lizard is a small, slender reptile with elongated body and delicate limbs. Its skin is smooth and glossy, typically dark on the dorsal side and lighter underneath. Its tail is long and thin, almost doubling its body length. Subtle color variations might occur, particularly along the belly and tail, often white or bluish. It does not show significant visual differences based on age, gender, or subspecies.
Schreiber´s spectacled lizard is predominantly nocturnal and terrestrial, driven by a diet of insects and arachnids. As a solitary species, social interactions occur primarily during the mating season. Schreiber´s spectacled lizard lays eggs, with maternal care exhibited. Adapted to its humid tropical habitat, schreiber´s spectacled lizard is arboricola, employing camouflage and seeking refuge in foliage for survival.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Spectacled lizards Genus
Ocellated tegus Species
Schreiber´s spectacled lizard