Calotes emma alticristatus
A species of Forest lizards Scientific name : Calotes emma alticristatus Genus : Forest lizards
Calotes emma alticristatus, A species of Forest lizards
Scientific name: Calotes emma alticristatus
Genus: Forest lizards
Description General Info


Calotes emma alticristatus is adept at surviving in a broad array of habitats, from forests to agricultural fields, displaying a strong resilience against human intervention. It feeds primarily on insects, maintaining a crucial role in controlling pest populations. Moreover, during courtship, males exhibit unique behaviors, changing their body coloration to attract females, signifying their intricate communication mechanisms.

General Info

5-8 years
Calotes emma alticristatus primarily thrives on a varied diet of insects, with a particular preference for locusts, crickets, and beetles. This creature's diet, while primarily insectivorous, is supplemented by plant material, underlining its nature as an opportunistic feeder.
Calotes emma alticristatus is a moderate-sized reptile, typically displaying an elongated body shape with distinct scales. The skin is predominantly green, but some individuals exhibit blue and orange hues. Unique to this species are the pronounced crest-like scales along their dorsal ridge, which are higher in males, giving them a crested appearance. Adolescent individuals often display brighter coloration compared to older ones.
Calotes emma alticristatus exhibits active diurnal foraging habits, utilizing its arboreal capabilities. It is predominantly solitary except during mating season when behaviors turn aggressive. Uses its vibrant coloration for social communication, and potential threats. Adapted to its forest habitat, calotes emma alticristatus employs active thermoregulation, basking in sunlight to regulate body temperatures.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Forest lizards Species
Calotes emma alticristatus