Common green forest lizard
A species of Forest lizards Scientific name : Calotes calotes Genus : Forest lizards
Common green forest lizard, A species of Forest lizards
Scientific name: Calotes calotes
Genus: Forest lizards
Description General Info


Calotes calotes (common green forest lizard) is an agamid lizard found in the forests of the Western Ghats and the Shevaroy Hills in India, and Sri Lanka.

General Info

5-8 years
Common green forest lizard predominantly consumes an insectivorous diet, showing a specific predilection for ants, termites, and other small invertebrates. Additionally, it also feeds on small vertebrates when necessary.
Common green forest lizard is of moderate size with a head broader than its neck, a long and laterally compressed body covered in finely spinose scales, and a depressed tail. It displays a bright green color on its upper parts, fading into yellowish-green sides, while its lips and throat are pinkish. Notably, males feature a large, low articulated crest from the nape to the tail base. Both sexes also exhibit a horn-like tubercle above each ear.
Common green forest lizard's behavior is notable for its territoriality and display dominance via color changes, especially males. These diurnal creatures, mainly solitary-living, demonstrate impedance displays towards rivals. They are typically arboreal, spending a significant part of their day basking in sunlight. Foraging on a diet consisting of arthropods, they surprisingly display intentional movement.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Dragons Genus
Forest lizards Species
Common green forest lizard