Spotted false monitor
A species of Callopistes Scientific name : Callopistes maculatus Genus : Callopistes
Spotted false monitor, A species of Callopistes
Scientific name: Callopistes maculatus
Genus: Callopistes
Description General Info


Callopistes maculatus, also known as the dwarf tegu, chilean dwarf tegu, spotted false monitor o chilean iguana (in spanish iguana chilena), is a species of lizard in the family Teiidae. It is endemic to Chile.

General Info

8-10 years
Spotted false monitor primarily feeds on a diet of insects and small vertebrates. Its preferred meals include beetles, termites, and slugs, as well as lizards and small rodents when available.
Spotted false monitor is a medium-sized, sturdy reptile with a semi-rugged skin texture. With a blend of bright coppery to dark reddish-brown hues, it flaunts unique patches of white spots spread across its body. Notably, it posesses a rather long tail, almost twice the length of its body, and prominent, backward-facing scales possibly used for defense. Both genders are similar in appearance, with no remarkable variations.
Spotted false monitor is a nocturnal, solitary reptile, exhibiting stealthy foraging behaviors and aggressive physical displays when threatened, which may involve puffing up its body and swaying side-side. It typically marks its territory with scent glands. Adapted to arid and semi-arid regions, it adjusts activity levels according to temperature shifts.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Whiptails Genus
Callopistes Species
Spotted false monitor