Common marmoset
A species of Marmoset Scientific name : Callithrix jacchus Genus : Marmoset
Common marmoset, A species of Marmoset
Scientific name: Callithrix jacchus
Genus: Marmoset
Description General Info


The tufted monkey or monkey (Callithrix jacchus) is a primate species from the family of marmosets (Callithrichidae).

General Info

10-16 years
Common marmoset's diet is primarily omnivorous, consuming a mixture of fruits, flowers, insects, and small vertebrates. They show preferences for tree gum, exudates, and arthropods, being well adapted for gouging tree bark.
Common marmoset is a small primate with a slender body covered in silky fur. Its coat is predominantly grey-white with black extremities, a thick ringed tail infrequently streaked with white, and small tufts of white fur arising from the ears. Male and female look similar, but infants are darker, lacking the ear tufts. It has a prominent white mask-like strip outlining the face, accentuating its small black eyes.
Common marmoset is a diurnal, arboreal primate with unique social dynamics, typically living in groups of 8-15. It exhibits cooperative parenting and grooming behaviors. An omnivore, common marmoset's foraging behavior includes invertebrates, plant exudates, and fruits. A characteristic behavior involves scent-marking its territory with glands in the chest and genital area. Common marmoset communicates through vocalizations and visual signals.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Mammals Order
Apes Family
Arctopitheci Genus
Marmoset Species
Common marmoset