Strand litter skink
A species of Caledoniscincus Scientific name : Caledoniscincus haplorhinus Genus : Caledoniscincus
Strand litter skink, A species of Caledoniscincus
Scientific name: Caledoniscincus haplorhinus
Genus: Caledoniscincus
Description General Info


The Strand litter skink (Caledoniscincus haplorhinus) is a species of lizard in the family Scincidae. It is endemic to New Caledonia.

General Info

5-8 years
Strand litter skink is primarily an insectivore, feeding extensively on a variety of insects. It exhibits a particular fondness for ants and beetles, which forms a significant portion of its diet.
Strand litter skink is a medium-sized skink with a slender, cylindrical body and smooth, shiny scales. It has a predominantly brown coloration, often possessing subtle red or bronze undertones. Some specimens display distinct dark stripes running longitudinally from the head to the tail. Both males and females look alike, without any significant sexual dimorphism visible in this species.
Strand litter skink is primarily active during twilight and night hours, displaying a distinct scopiphilic behavior. It adopts a strategy of crypsis to blend into its background, facilitating its survival in the natural habitat. Remaining mostly solitary, it interacts minimally with conspecifics except during mating season.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Caledoniscincus Species
Strand litter skink