White-naped snake
A species of Dwarf crowned snakes Scientific name : Cacophis harriettae Genus : Dwarf crowned snakes
White-naped snake, A species of Dwarf crowned snakes
Scientific name: Cacophis harriettae
Genus: Dwarf crowned snakes
Description General Info


White-naped snake shows nocturnal tendencies, actively hunting during night. This small ground-dwelling snake utilizes unique chemical sensors within its bifurcated tongue to detect its preys in the dark. Interestingly, white-naped snake primarily feeds on reptiles, a trait distinctive because most of its close relatives are known to be generalists or mammal specialists. It's also recognized for its defensive posture, in which it curls its tail, exposing a bright underside to confuse or deter predators.

General Info

5-7 years
White-naped snake sustains itself primarily on a diet of small invertebrates. It exhibits nocturnal hunting behavior, using its keen vision and predatory skills to capture spiders, beetles, and other small insects.
White-naped snake is a small, slender snake with smooth scales. It displays a primary hue of brown, accented with lighter streaks and bands. The underbelly is slightly paler, giving it an effective camouflage in its native environment. Despite its modest size, it is known for its large, piercing eyes that are strikingly contrastive with dark reddish brown irises. There are no notable appearance variances due to age, gender, or subspecies.
White-naped snake is a nocturnal reptile characterized by a secretive, solitary lifestyle. It is specialized in hunting small reptiles and amphibians, employing a situ-and-wait foraging strategy. Distinctively, this species uses threat displays, including hood expansion, to deter predators. Notably, females are oviparous, laying eggs in warm, humid environments.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Dwarf crowned snakes Species
White-naped snake