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Boiga dendrophila latifasciata

A species of Cat-eyed snakes
Scientific name : Boiga dendrophila latifasciata Genus : Cat-eyed snakes

Boiga dendrophila latifasciata, A species of Cat-eyed snakes
Scientific name: Boiga dendrophila latifasciata
Genus: Cat-eyed snakes


Boiga dendrophila latifasciata is a nocturnal, arboreal species, renowned for its highly venomous bite. An integral part of its ecological niche, this potent venom allows it to subdue prey swiftly, often birds and small mammals. Mating during the wet season, its reproductive behavior is characterized by the laying of 4-15 eggs. Females exhibit marginal maternal care - they guard the eggs until they hatch, marking a unique deviation amongst colubrids.

General Info


10-20 years


Boiga dendrophila latifasciata is primarily an ophiophagous or snake-eating species, often preying on smaller snakes. It also exhibits opportunistic feeding habits, consuming small mammals, birds, and occasionally lizards, diversifying its diet according to availability.


Boiga dendrophila latifasciata is a medium-sized snake with a slender, elongated body covered in smooth scales. It is primarily black with vibrant yellow bands, mimicking the color of deadly coral snakes. The head is noticeably larger than the neck, and the eyes have vertical slits. Subtle sexual dimorphism exists, with females being generally larger than males. The visual appearances of juveniles are similar to the adults, but their colors are considerably paler.


Boiga dendrophila latifasciata is a predominantly arboreal and nocturnal species showing distinct crepuscular activity peaks. Its diet primarily consists of birds and small mammals, indicating a skilled hunting practice. This creature generally displays solitary behavior, except during mating periods. It is also known for its defensive postures when threatened, often mimicking a cobra by expanding a narrow hood around its neck and hissing loudly.
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