Bogertophis subocularis subocularis
A species of Desert rat snakes Scientific name : Bogertophis subocularis subocularis Genus : Desert rat snakes
Bogertophis subocularis subocularis, A species of Desert rat snakes
Scientific name: Bogertophis subocularis subocularis
Genus: Desert rat snakes
Description General Info
Bogertophis subocularis subocularis is a nocturnal species, employing cryptic behavior to stealthily navigate its arid habitat. Resilience towards extreme desert climates sets it apart, indicating outstanding thermal adaptability. Intriguingly, its diet primarily comprises of small rodents, exhibiting ambush predatory techniques. Egg-laying with extended parental care also illustrates a remarkable aspect of its reproductive behavior.
General Info
15-25 years
Bogertophis subocularis subocularis is predominantly a carnivore, relying heavily on small rodents for sustenance. It capitalizes on mice and occasionally rats, utilizing its nocturnal hunting to capture these prey.
Bogertophis subocularis subocularis is a moderately sized snake, characterized by a slender body and a subtly tapered tail. Its skin is covered in smooth, shiny scales, primarily of a brown or pink hue with an array of lighter, intricately patterned blotches. The snake's moniker comes from its large, prominent eyes situated just beneath the scales, a distinguishing feature. There are minimal noticeable variations in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Bogertophis subocularis subocularis exhibits predominantly nocturnal, solitary behaviors. Generally non-aggressive, they display a hunting style characterized by ambush predation. They are oviparous, with females tending to the eggs until hatched. This species has a unique defensive posture, curling its tail upwards when threatened.