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Blanus strauchi bedriagae

A species of Blanus
Scientific name : Blanus strauchi bedriagae Genus : Blanus

Blanus strauchi bedriagae, A species of Blanus
Scientific name: Blanus strauchi bedriagae
Genus: Blanus


Blanus strauchi bedriagae is a specialized subterranean species, spending its life burrowing through soil in search of invertebrates, upon which it largely depends. It showcases remarkable adaption to anutarctic conditions, tolerating environmental temperatures as low as -3.2°C. Considered a key species in soil formation, their burrowing habits significantly influence soil structure and nutrient cycles.

General Info


8-10 years


Blanus strauchi bedriagae is an insectivore species with a primary diet of small arthropods. This species particularly favors consuming insect larvae, spiders, and termites, digging them out from soil and under stones.


Blanus strauchi bedriagae is a small, legless reptile, akin to a snake, with a cylindrical body covered in smooth, shiny scales. Its coloration ranges from light brown to pale yellow, often with darker vertical stripes running down its body. Its head is slightly wider than its body, with small, sunken eyes. Both males and females share a similar appearance, with no distinctive features related to age or gender.


Blanus strauchi bedriagae is a typically solitary and nocturnal creature, mainly active shortly after sunset. They are fossorial, meaning they burrow into soil or spend most of their time underground. Unusual among reptiles, blanus strauchi bedriagae are viviparous, giving birth to live young rather than laying eggs. They exhibit a unique defensive behavior known as 'tail autotomy', where they can shed part of their tail to escape from predators.
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