Highlands copperhead
A species of Copperheads Scientific name : Austrelaps ramsayi Genus : Copperheads
Highlands copperhead, A species of Copperheads
Scientific name: Austrelaps ramsayi
Genus: Copperheads
Description General Info


The highland copperhead (Austrelaps ramsayi), also known as Ramsay's copperhead, is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae. The species is endemic to Australia.

General Info

5-10 years
Highlands copperhead is a carnivorous species with an affinity for small mammals. Its diet primarily consists of eutherians and marsupials which it typically ambushes, showcasing its opportunistic feeding behavior.
Highlands copperhead is a medium-sized snake with a robust body and smooth, glossy scales. Its skin exhibits a dark brown to black color with cross-bands of lighter brown or copper. Juveniles are typically lighter and can exhibit more pronounced banding. Male and female highlands copperhead don't have noticeable differences in their appearance.
Highlands copperhead is a solitary and territorial snake species. This species is primarily nocturnal, hiding during the day and hunting at night. Aggressive when threatened, it engages in a distinctive threat display, coiling its body and raising its upper part. Foraging involves stalking and ambushing small vertebrates. Survival adaptations include strong swimming skills and venom production for hunting and self-defense.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Elapids Genus
Copperheads Species
Highlands copperhead