Atractaspis irregularis parkeri
A species of Mole viper Scientific name : Atractaspis irregularis parkeri Genus : Mole viper
Atractaspis irregularis parkeri, A species of Mole viper
Scientific name: Atractaspis irregularis parkeri
Genus: Mole viper
Description General Info


Atractaspis irregularis parkeri demonstrates unusual adaptations with distinct behaviors such as the rare ability to deliver venom via a 'stabbing' motion with its specialized, elongated, rear fangs. It is a nocturnal creature, primarily solitary, with a diet focused on burrowing invertebrates. These adaptations position it as a unique predator in subterranean ecosystems, contributing significantly to those ecological communities.

General Info

8-10 years
As a subterranean species, atractaspis irregularis parkeri has an average length of 45-77 centimeters with a slender cylindrical body covered in smooth, glossy scales. Its color ranges from dark brown to nearly black, with lighter underparts. Its head is not distinct from the neck and ends with a small, harmless looking nose but hides a dangerous elongated fang system. A short tail tapers to a sharp point. Males are typically larger than females. Juveniles are similar in colour to adults.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Lamprophiid snakes Genus
Mole viper Species
Atractaspis irregularis parkeri