Israeli mole viper
A species of Mole viper Scientific name : Atractaspis engaddensis Genus : Mole viper
Israeli mole viper, A species of Mole viper
Scientific name: Atractaspis engaddensis
Genus: Mole viper
Description General Info


Atractaspis engaddensis is a venomous snake found in Sinai, Israel, Jordan, SW/C Saudi Arabia and Lebanon.

General Info

5-10 years
Israeli mole viper is primarily a nocturnal ophiophagous creature, preying predominantly on other snakes. It utilises a 'strike and release' mechanism, injecting potent venom to immobilise its prey before consumption.
Israeli mole viper is a burrowing snake with a cylindrical body that can reach lengths of up to 80 cm. It has thick, rough skin, predominately black or dark brown in color with no distinctive markings. Its unusual feature is a unique set of large, rear protruding fangs. There are no significant differences in appearance between genders or as the animal ages.
Israeli mole viper exhibits solitary and nocturnal tendencies. It employs a distinct predatory strategy, burrowing into the sand and ambushing its prey. Unusual among snakes, israeli mole viper uses a 'sideways strike' to deliver venom instead of front-facing bites. Its defensive behavior includes curling its body and hiding its head under a coil.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Lamprophiid snakes Genus
Mole viper Species
Israeli mole viper