Chinese short-limbed skink
A species of Ateuchosaurus Scientific name : Ateuchosaurus chinensis Genus : Ateuchosaurus
Chinese short-limbed skink, A species of Ateuchosaurus
Scientific name: Ateuchosaurus chinensis
Genus: Ateuchosaurus
Description General Info


Chinese short-limbed skink primarily dwells among the undergrowth in humid subtropical forests, offering it a habitat abundant with fallen leaves, insects, and small invertebrates to consume. Exhibiting a noteworthy behavior, this species prefers twilight hours for foraging activity, displaying a distinct crepuscular lifestyle. Intriguingly, chinese short-limbed skink utilizes leaf litter and other ground materials to construct nests, suggesting a complex and adaptive reproductive strategy.

General Info

5-8 years
Chinese short-limbed skink's diet is primarily insectivorous, favoring ants and termites. Their foraging behavior involves actively searching for these insects, using their pointed snout to penetrate soil and leaf litter.
Chinese short-limbed skink is a small lizard with a long, slender body, tail, and short legs. Its skin is primarily brown, often with patterns of white spots or stripes along the back. During breeding season, males may exhibit a brighter turquoise-blue color over their upper body. They do not possess any horns, wings, or significantly unique appendages.
Chinese short-limbed skink typically displays solitary behavior, emerging nocturnally to forage for small invertebrates. This species employs a unique vertical climbing technique for accessing low vegetation and tree trunks, leaving its territory unmarked. Its tail autotomy, a distinctive adaptive behavior triggered by predators, enhances its survival in its natural habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Ateuchosaurus Species
Chinese short-limbed skink