Lined skink
A species of Aspronema, Also known as Paraguay white-lined skink Scientific name : Aspronema dorsivittatum Genus : Aspronema
Lined skink, A species of Aspronema
Also known as:
Paraguay white-lined skink
Scientific name: Aspronema dorsivittatum
Genus: Aspronema
Description General Info


Lined skink is known for its unique defensive strategy, where it secretes noxious chemicals that deter potential predators, thus ensuring its survival in hostile environments. It plays a significant ecological role as a decomposer, feeding primarily on decaying organic matter and contributing to nutrient cycling within its native ecosystem.

General Info

Lined skink is an omnivorous rove beetle mainly consuming arthropods, aphid honeydew, and plant sap. With distinctive dietary adaptability, it feeds on decaying organic matter and small insects when necessary.
Lined skink is a small beetle with a slim, elongated body, and a rough, hardened exterior. Its primary coloration is a deep black, contrasted with two protruding yellow stripes running down its back. Notable features include a pair of antennae, and a set of wings hidden beneath the hard exoskeleton. There are no major visual differences noted between males and females, or among different ages.
Lined skink is nocturnal, with most activity occurring after sunset. Primarily solitary, it exhibits territorial behavior through an intriguing marking ritual. Foraging occurs at night where it utilizes natural camouflage for protection against predators. Breeding season prompts more social interactions between individuals within the species.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Aspronema Species
Lined skink