Aspidoscelis tigris tigris
A species of Whiptail lizards Scientific name : Aspidoscelis tigris tigris Genus : Whiptail lizards
Aspidoscelis tigris tigris, A species of Whiptail lizards
Scientific name: Aspidoscelis tigris tigris
Genus: Whiptail lizards
Description General Info


Aspidoscelis tigris tigris holds a significant role in its food chain, predominant in grassland and desert ecosystems. It thrives under the sun, demonstrating unusual thermal tolerance and the ability to survive water scarcity by metabolic water production from their diet. Its eating habits primarily include feeding insects and small vertebrates, demonstrating exceptional adaptation to extreme environmental conditions.

General Info

5-10 years
Aspidoscelis tigris tigris sustains mainly on insects such as grasshoppers, beetles, and ants. Seasonally, it incorporates spiders, isopods, and occasionally, small lizards into its diet, varying its consumption based on food availability.
Aspidoscelis tigris tigris is a medium-sized lizard with a slender body, covered in small, granular scales. Its skin presents a predominant grayish-brown color, adorned with tiger-like dark bands, giving it a distinct striped pattern. These lizards have long, slender tails and Easter egg-shaped heads. Males often have brighter coloration than females, and juvenile individuals exhibit more contrast in their patterning.
Aspidoscelis tigris tigris exhibits noticeable diurnal habits, actively foraging and basking in sunlight during the day. A solitary creature, aspidoscelis tigris tigris exhibits territorial behavior, warding off same-sex individuals. Notably, it displays mimicry and fast, agile movements for survival in its arid habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Whiptails Genus
Whiptail lizards Species
Aspidoscelis tigris tigris