Aspidoscelis tigris septentrionalis
A species of Whiptail lizards Scientific name : Aspidoscelis tigris septentrionalis Genus : Whiptail lizards
Aspidoscelis tigris septentrionalis, A species of Whiptail lizards
Scientific name: Aspidoscelis tigris septentrionalis
Genus: Whiptail lizards
Description General Info


Aspidoscelis tigris septentrionalis is a diurnal species renowned for its parthenogenetic reproduction, permitting it to propagate in the absence of males. Primarily insectivorous, they leverage their rapid speed and dexterity in zipping across desert terrains in search of prey. Additionally, aspidoscelis tigris septentrionalis's inclination for a warmer climate has shaped their habituation, often found basking under the sunlight to maintain their core body temperature.

General Info

10-15 years
Aspidoscelis tigris septentrionalis chiefly feeds on a diet of small arthropods, particularly ants, beetles, and spiders. The species has also been observed to occasionally consume plant matter like seeds and flowers, highlighting its omnivorous nature.
Aspidoscelis tigris septentrionalis is a lean, medium-sized lizard, known for its slender, elongated body and scales. It flaunts a noticeable striped pattern in varied shades of black and brown accentuating its cream base coloration. This species sports a narrow, pointed head, and a tail which adds substantial length to its physique. The males are notably larger and exhibit more vibrant color variations than the females.
Aspidoscelis tigris septentrionalis exhibits diurnal behavior, spending most of its day either foraging or basking in the sun. It's a solitary species except during mating, showing territorial tendencies. Notably, to regulate body temperature, aspidoscelis tigris septentrionalis possesses the ability to change its bodily color with a greater intensity at warmer temperatures.

Scientific Classification