Aspidoscelis tigris multiscutatus
A species of Whiptail lizards Scientific name : Aspidoscelis tigris multiscutatus Genus : Whiptail lizards
Aspidoscelis tigris multiscutatus, A species of Whiptail lizards
Scientific name: Aspidoscelis tigris multiscutatus
Genus: Whiptail lizards
Description General Info


Aspidoscelis tigris multiscutatus is known for its unique behaviors, predominantly being diurnal, which assists in their main foraging strategy. Their diet primarily comprises of arthropods, playing a significant role in controlling insect populations in their ecosystems. Additionally, its oviparous reproduction technique, laying eggs as opposed to live birth, demonstrates an adaptive survival mechanism in its harsh desert environment.

General Info

8-10 years
Aspidoscelis tigris multiscutatus is primarily insectivorous, feeding on a diverse range of invertebrates. Notably, it demonstrates a preference for beetles, spiders, and grasshoppers, each making up a significant part of its diet.
Aspidoscelis tigris multiscutatus is a medium-sized lizard with a lean, elongated body, characterized by its scaly skin. Notable for its streamlined tail and pointed snout, its hind legs are disproportionally longer than its front ones. Its primary coloration is a blend of tan and dark brown, adorned with intricate, tiger-like bands and stripes. Males exhibit a more vivid color scheme and pronounced striping compared to females. Both genders develop greenish tones during the mating season.
Aspidoscelis tigris multiscutatus is a solitary, diurnal reptile, known for its territoriality. Males aggressively defend their territory, often engaging in combat with rivals. This species exhibits an adaptive behavior of basking in the sun to thermoregulate. It primarily forages during mornings, feeding on insects and spiders.

Scientific Classification