Western whiptail
A species of Whiptail lizards, Also known as Painted desert whiptail, Coastal whiptail Scientific name : Aspidoscelis tigris Genus : Whiptail lizards
Western whiptail, A species of Whiptail lizards
Also known as:
Painted desert whiptail, Coastal whiptail
Scientific name: Aspidoscelis tigris
Genus: Whiptail lizards
Description General Info


The western whiptail (Aspidoscelis tigris) is a species of lizard in the family Teiidae. The species ranges throughout most of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Most of its populations appear stable, and it is not listed as endangered in any of the states comprising its range. It lives in a wide variety of habitats, including deserts and semiarid shrubland, usually in areas with sparse vegetation; it also may be found in woodland, open dry...

General Info

10-15 years
Western whiptail is an insectivorous species, primarily consuming arthropods. Its diet comprises ants, spiders, beetles, and other small invertebrates, efficiently hunting these prey in various habitats.
Western whiptail is a medium-sized lizard with a slender, elongated body and rough, granular skin. It exhibits a distinctive banded pattern, featuring dark brown and light grey stripes that run lengthwise down its body and tail. The underside is typically lighter than the top. Its tail is longer than its body, contributing to its streamlined appearance. Adult males may develop distinctly enlarged post-anal scales.
Western whiptail are known for their swift and agile movements, often found basking in sunny areas. They have a diet primarily consisting of small arthropods. Being diurnal, they are active during daylight hours while retreating into burrows or under rock piles to avoid predators. Western whiptail are largely solitary, with territorial males showing aggressive behaviour during mating season. Despite not migrating, they do have seasonal activities influenced by temperature changes.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Whiptails Genus
Whiptail lizards Species
Western whiptail