Aspidoscelis marmorata marmorata
A species of Whiptail lizards Scientific name : Aspidoscelis marmorata marmorata Genus : Whiptail lizards
Aspidoscelis marmorata marmorata, A species of Whiptail lizards
Scientific name: Aspidoscelis marmorata marmorata
Genus: Whiptail lizards
Description General Info


Aspidoscelis marmorata marmorata exhibits remarkable diurnal behavior, being most active during daylight hours. Its primary food source comes from plant matter and insects, exhibiting a largely herbivorous and occasionally opportunistic diet. Aspidoscelis marmorata marmorata thrives in arid, desert environments, displaying extraordinary heat resistance adaptations.

General Info

10-15 years
Aspidoscelis marmorata marmorata possess an omnivorous diet largely dominated by arthropods though it occasionally consumes plant material, like seeds and leaves. This species exhibits a fondness for ants, termites, beetles, and spiders.
Aspidoscelis marmorata marmorata is a small, slender lizard with scaly skin. This subspecies has a striking mottled pattern of dark and light patches, predominantly in shades of brown. Its underside is generally paler, often white or cream. Distinctively, it has a long, tapering tail and eyelids that are functional - an unusual feature in lizards. There are no significant appearance differences by age, gender, or within its subspecies.
Aspidoscelis marmorata marmorata predominantly inhabits arid plains and is noted for its blazing speed, often utilizing it to escape predators. This diurnal animal primarily feeds on insects and small invertebrates. Remarkably solitary in nature, aspidoscelis marmorata marmorata exhibit defensive posturing when threatened, lifting its body off the ground and opening its mouth wide. Their habitat-specific behavioral adaptations greatly contribute to their survival in desert landscapes.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Whiptails Genus
Whiptail lizards Species
Aspidoscelis marmorata marmorata