Aspidoscelis lineattissima
A species of Whiptail lizards Scientific name : Aspidoscelis lineattissima Genus : Whiptail lizards
Aspidoscelis lineattissima, A species of Whiptail lizards
Scientific name: Aspidoscelis lineattissima
Genus: Whiptail lizards
Description General Info


The aspidoscelis lineattissima is a small lizard that’s widespread along the Pacific coast of Mexico. It inhabits tropical dry forests, where it moves on the ground in search of insects, termites, and small vertebrates. Females are reported to be larger than males. In Mexico, due to habitat loss, this species is under the special protection category.

General Info

5-10 years
Aspidoscelis lineattissima primarily feeds on a varied diet of insects and spiders. It especially displays a preference for ants, beetles, and termites, utilizing its fast and agile hunting skills.
Aspidoscelis lineattissima is a slender, medium-sized lizard with smooth skin. Its body exhibits intricate patterns of black and white thin lines, giving it a stark, lined appearance. The genders are similar in coloration, but males are often slightly larger and more robust. The species lacks wings, horns, or any other significant appendages apart from its long and thin tail.
Aspidoscelis lineattissima are diurnal, solitary reptiles chiefly known for their exceptional speed and agility. This species is predominantly terrestrial, performing hunting and foraging activities during daytime. Interestingly, aspidoscelis lineattissima are oviparous, exhibiting a rare behavior of females reproducing without mating. While not especially territorial, they are adept at using environmental features for camouflage, enhancing their survival in diverse habitats.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Whiptails Genus
Whiptail lizards Species
Aspidoscelis lineattissima