Aspidoscelis costata mazatlanensis
A species of Whiptail lizards Scientific name : Aspidoscelis costata mazatlanensis Genus : Whiptail lizards
Aspidoscelis costata mazatlanensis, A species of Whiptail lizards
Scientific name: Aspidoscelis costata mazatlanensis
Genus: Whiptail lizards
Description General Info


The aspidoscelis costata mazatlanensis is a unique species that showcases remarkable adaptability. Thriving in arid, rocky environments, it has developed robust thermoregulatory abilities, dextrously adjusting its daily activities in response to varying temperatures. Furthermore, this lizard exhibits an intriguing feeding strategy, predominantly consuming ants and termites, contributing substantially to the control of insect populations within its habitat area.

General Info

5-8 years
Aspidoscelis costata mazatlanensis is a predominantly insectivorous species, feeding mainly on ants and termites. Additionally, it complements its diet with other small arthropods providing a balance of nutrients.
The aspidoscelis costata mazatlanensis is a slender and elongated reptile with a long, tapering tail. Its skin is covered in small, tough, overlapping scales, showcasing a predominant dusty tan color, interlaid with darker brownish-black patterns. This pattern might differ slightly in intensity and detail among individuals. No significant differences due to age or gender exist in their appearance.
Aspidoscelis costata mazatlanensis is known for its diurnal and solitary nature. It forages mostly in the morning, displaying a meticulous and gradual hunting habit. This species marks territory through unique limb push-ups and body inflation. It's adapted to a terrestrial lifestyle, blending perfectly with its sandy habitat for camouflage and protection.

Scientific Classification