Aparallactus capensis punctatolineatus
A species of Cape centipede eater Scientific name : Aparallactus capensis punctatolineatus Genus : Cape centipede eater
Aparallactus capensis punctatolineatus, A species of Cape centipede eater
Scientific name: Aparallactus capensis punctatolineatus
Genus: Cape centipede eater
Description General Info


The aparallactus capensis punctatolineatus is a nocturnal venomous snake that thrives in diverse habitats ranging from dry areas to rainforests, ensuring its survival across different ecosystems. This particular species utilizes its venom not just for predation, but also as a defense mechanism against larger predators. Intriguingly, it often relies on hiding in existing tunnels and crevices rather than constructing its own, a clever strategy that conserves energy.

General Info

5-10 years
Aparallactus capensis punctatolineatus primarily feeds on a diverse array of small insects. It exhibits specialized feeding habits, with particular preference for soil-dwelling termites and small beetles, which provide vital nutrients.
Aparallactus capensis punctatolineatus is a small, slender reptile with smooth, dark brown skin covered in tiny, punctate scales. It has a distinctive yellow-brown line running from its snout to its tail along its back. This snake-like species lacks limbs and has a short, forked tongue. Both genders and all ages share the same visual characteristics.
Aparallactus capensis punctatolineatus demonstrates solitary and secretive behaviors, preferring subterranean environments. Known for its unique defense mechanism, it discharges a pungent fluid when threatened. It’s a nocturnal forager with a diet comprising primarily of invertebrates and small vertebrates. No pronounced territorial habits have been observed in this species.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Lamprophiid snakes Genus
Cape centipede eater