Aparallactus capensis capensis
A species of Cape centipede eater Scientific name : Aparallactus capensis capensis Genus : Cape centipede eater
Aparallactus capensis capensis, A species of Cape centipede eater
Scientific name: Aparallactus capensis capensis
Genus: Cape centipede eater
Description General Info


Aparallactus capensis capensis is a fascinating creature endemic to southern Africa. Characterised by its adeptness at locating and penetrating termite and ant nests, it is uniquely equipped for consuming these abundant sources of insect protein. Furthermore, aparallactus capensis capensis's venom is a crucial adaptation for subduing prey, as it paralyses the nervous system of the insects it feeds on, enhancing this species' ecological role as an effective insectivore.

General Info

5-10 years
Aparallactus capensis capensis primarily subsists on a diet of invertebrates, focusing especially on insects and spiders. This species showcases skilled predatory behavior to capture and consume its food, making it a proficient insectivore.
A small and slender snake, aparallactus capensis capensis measures around 40cm in length. Its glossy, smooth scales reveal a dominant black coloration with white ventral side. Each scale edges in white or lighter shades, producing a remarkable, intricately checkered pattern. No specific traits are found due to age or sex differences in appearance.
Aparallactus capensis capensis is a nocturnal, solitary species known for its venomous ambush predation strategy. Notable for its burrowing behavior, it constructs tunnels to locate prey and escape threats. The species is rather sedentary, with a low territory turnover rate. Key survival adaptations include effective camouflage in its native habitat and potent venom to subdue prey.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Lamprophiid snakes Genus
Cape centipede eater Species
Aparallactus capensis capensis