Cape centipede eater
A species of Cape centipede eater Scientific name : Aparallactus capensis Genus : Cape centipede eater
Cape centipede eater, A species of Cape centipede eater
Scientific name: Aparallactus capensis
Genus: Cape centipede eater
Description General Info


Aparallactus capensis, or the Cape centipede-eater, is a species of venomous rear-fanged snake in the Atractaspididae family.

General Info

5-7 years
Cape centipede eater is predominantly insectivorous, feeding mainly on ants and termites. This species also selectively forages for smaller arthropods and has been known to occasionally consume earthworms.
Cape centipede eater is a small snake known for its slim body and smooth, glossy skin. It primarily has a dark brown or black hue, occasionally featuring yellowish or white bands. No significant horns, wings, or tail adaptations are present, and there is no noteworthy variation in appearance between age groups, genders, or subspecies.
Cape centipede eater is a largely solitary and secretive species, primarily nocturnal, and shows terrestrial habits. It's defensive behavior includes raising its body off the ground, widening its neck-flap, and hissing before striking. It's a venomous species equipped for predating smaller reptiles and amphibians, displaying speed and precise hunting skills.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Lamprophiid snakes Genus
Cape centipede eater Species
Cape centipede eater