Eastern childrens python
A species of Children's pythons Scientific name : Antaresia maculosa Genus : Children's pythons
Eastern childrens python, A species of Children's pythons
Scientific name: Antaresia maculosa
Genus: Children's pythons
Description General Info


Antaresia maculosa is a python species found in northern Australia. It is a popular pet among Australian reptile enthusiasts due to its small size and even temperament. No subspecies are currently recognized.

General Info

15-20 years
Eastern childrens python primarily feeds on small mammals, specifically focusing on mice. Born as adept hunters, they catch their prey alive, making their dining experience both a hunt and feast.
Eastern childrens python is a small-bodied python with a muscular, stocky build. Growing to a length of approximately 1 meter, it bears a scaly skin that exhibits remarkable variations from mottled tan to chocolate brown. This species adopts a constriction form of predation which highlights its muscular build. The ventral part of the species is generally cream or light tan, providing a sensational contrast to the darker dorsal part. Multiple spots or blotches are a distinctive characteristic of this species.
Eastern childrens python displays primarily nocturnal, solitary behavior. It seeks refuge in concealed burrows or under vegetation during the day, coming out to hunt small reptiles, birds, and mammals at night. As an ambush predator, it relies on camouflage and patience in its natural habitat. This species, unlike some others, exhibits docile behavior, largely eschewing aggression or territorial markings.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Pythons Genus
Children's pythons Species
Eastern childrens python