Punctate worm-skink
A species of Three-clawed worm-skink Scientific name : Anomalopus swansoni Genus : Three-clawed worm-skink
Punctate worm-skink, A species of Three-clawed worm-skink
Scientific name: Anomalopus swansoni
Genus: Three-clawed worm-skink
Description General Info


Anomalopus swansoni is a species of burrowing skink endemic to Australia.

General Info

6-10 years
Punctate worm-skink thrives on a diet of various small insects and spiders. Its feeding habits reveal a strong preference for soil-dwelling invertebrates, including beetle larvae and earthworms.
Punctate worm-skink is a compact, reptilian creature with overlapping scales that are rough to the touch. Its body is a mottled combination of light grey and brown which aids in camouflage. Punctate worm-skink possesses a short, stumpy tail and four short limbs each ending in five toes equipped with strong, sharp claws. Neither age nor sex significantly alters its distinctive appearance.
Punctate worm-skink is essentially a nocturnal species that burrows into the ground for shelter and protection. Notably, it presents a solitary lifestyle, avoiding social interactions unless necessary for mating. Additionally, its tongue is used for exploring the environment, displaying a key foraging behavior typical for this species.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Three-clawed worm-skink Species
Punctate worm-skink