Two-clawed worm-skink
A species of Three-clawed worm-skink Scientific name : Anomalopus leuckartii Genus : Three-clawed worm-skink
Two-clawed worm-skink, A species of Three-clawed worm-skink
Scientific name: Anomalopus leuckartii
Genus: Three-clawed worm-skink
Description General Info


The two-clawed worm-skink (Anomalopus leuckartii) is a species of skink found in New South Wales and Queensland in Australia.

General Info

5-10 years
Two-clawed worm-skink is primarily insectivorous, subsisting on a diet predominantly composed of invertebrates. Specializing in consuming ants and termites, it excavates them from soil or litter using sharp claws.
Two-clawed worm-skink is a moderately-sized skink with sturdy, short limbs and a streamlined body overlaid with scales. Its skin is glossy and predominantly brown withthin, pale horizontal striping. The animal's small head is semi-rigid, featuring a slightly flared snout. It possesses a long, tapering tail that makes up about half of its total body length. There are no significant appearance differences due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Two-clawed worm-skink is an endothermic reptile mainly seen during twilight hours. It exhibits fossorial behavior, skillfully burrowing beneath soil and leaf-litter to source invertebrate prey. Its life is largely solitary, only finding mates via chemosensory cues during the breeding season. Remarkably, this species employs its distinct flattened tail for deflecting potential predators.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Three-clawed worm-skink Species
Two-clawed worm-skink