Mccoy's skink
A species of Anepischetosia Scientific name : Anepischetosia maccoyi Genus : Anepischetosia
Mccoy's skink, A species of Anepischetosia
Scientific name: Anepischetosia maccoyi
Genus: Anepischetosia
Description General Info


Anepischetosia maccoyi, also known as the highlands forest skink or McCoy's skink, is a skink in the (family Scincidae). It is monotypic in the genus Anepischetosia. It is endemic to Australia.

General Info

Mccoy's skink thrives primarily on a diet of microorganisms present in its surrounding waters. Special preference is exhibited towards zooplankton, including diatoms and small crustaceans, which form the major component of the species' alimentary intake.
Mccoy's skink is a medium-sized mollusc, known for its elongated, conical shell with a pointed apex. The shell exhibits patterns of circular stripes in white and dark-brown, contributing to its striking appearance. The animal’s soft body contrasts with the sturdy shell, exhibiting a greyish colour. Its size and colour do not vary significantly with age, gender, or subspecies.
Mccoy's skink is a solitary creature with strong territorial tendencies, known for its unique burrowing behavior. It employs its sharpened limbs to carve out living quarters in muddy or sandy substrates. Foraging primarily at night, it uses feeler-like appendages to detect nutrients within its environment. Mccoy's skink’s ability to blend with its substratum for protection from predators is a significant survival trait.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Anepischetosia Species
Mccoy's skink