Puerto rican worm lizard
A species of Worm lizards, Also known as Puerto rican common amphisbaena Scientific name : Amphisbaena caeca Genus : Worm lizards
Puerto rican worm lizard, A species of Worm lizards
Also known as:
Puerto rican common amphisbaena
Scientific name: Amphisbaena caeca
Genus: Worm lizards
Description General Info


Amphisbaena caeca, commonly known as the Puerto Rican worm lizard or blind worm lizard, is a species of worm lizard endemic to Puerto Rico. These animals are vermicular reptiles that live under logs, rocks, and dirt. Other species of Amphisbaenids in the Caribbean include Amphisbaena bakeri, Amphisbaena fenestrata, Amphisbaena schmidti, Amphisbaena xera, and Cadea blanoides.

General Info

10-15 years
Puerto rican worm lizard is a carnivorous species whose diet primarily consists of small invertebrates. It favors soil-dwelling prey like worms, insects, and arachnids, exhibiting specific preference for earthworm consumption.
Puerto rican worm lizard is a small, worm-like creature with a cylindrical body covered in scales. With no distinguishable head or tail, its overall appearance is symmetrical. Its coloration is typically a uniform, dark brown. It does not have any distinctive markings, wings, or horns. No significant variation in appearance exists between different ages, sexes, or subspecies.
Puerto rican worm lizard is primarily a solitary animal exhibiting fossorial behavior, i.e., it is adapted to burrowing and spends most of its time underground, often in ant or termite nests. This nocturnal animal, displaying a distinctly slow-paced activity pattern, contributes to the control of pest populations by foraging on insects. As it lacks eyes, it relies heavily on touch and smell receptors for navigation and hunting.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Worm lizards Genus
Worm lizards Species
Puerto rican worm lizard