Javan wart snake
A species of Java wart snakes, Also known as Elephant's trunk snake Scientific name : Acrochordus javanicus Genus : Java wart snakes
Javan wart snake, A species of Java wart snakes
Also known as:
Elephant's trunk snake
Scientific name: Acrochordus javanicus
Genus: Java wart snakes
Description General Info


Acrochordus javanicus, commonly known as the elephant trunk snake or Javan file snake, belongs to the family Acrochordidae which represents a group of primitive non-venomous aquatic snakes. It is also kept as an exotic pet.

General Info

9-12 years
Javan wart snake predominantly feeds on fish, relying on its unique ambush hunting technique. It consumes diverse species, showing a preference for small, soft-skinned fish, typically in shallow, slow-moving waters.
Javan wart snake is a small, elongated snake, averaging about one meter in length. Notably, its loose-skinned body is covered in scales and takes on an earthy, brown color blending well with muddy river bottoms. The species is distinguished by its remarkable, conical-shaped snout. There are no significant differences between genders or age groups in appearance.
Javan wart snake are predominantly nocturnal, spending their day concealed beneath water surfaces. Characteristics of ambush predators, they patiently await prey, striking swiftly when in range. Largely solitary by nature, there are no recorded unique social behaviors or territorial defense mechanisms. Their slow metabolism allows them to survive on infrequent meals, a premier adaptation for their aquatic habitat.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
File snakes Genus
Java wart snakes Species
Javan wart snake