Arafuran file snake
A species of Java wart snakes, Also known as Filesnake Scientific name : Acrochordus arafurae Genus : Java wart snakes
Arafuran file snake, A species of Java wart snakes
Also known as:
Scientific name: Acrochordus arafurae
Genus: Java wart snakes
Description General Info


Acrochordus arafurae is an aquatic snake species found in northern Australia and New Guinea. No subspecies are currently recognized.

General Info

9-12 years
Arafuran file snake is a carnivorous species with a diet predominantly constituted of fish. Its specialized skin-based sensory system allows it to detect water vibrations, aiding in catching its prey.
Arafuran file snake is a medium-sized aquatic snake with rough, loose skin resembling tree bark. Its skin color varies from muddy brown to greenish-grey, perfect for camouflage. It has a slender, elongated body that tapers at both ends and lacks a distinct neck. The eyes are very small and are protected by permanent, transparent scales. No significant differences are observed in appearance due to age, gender, or subspecies.
Arafuran file snake is a nocturnal, piscivorous snake, primarily dwelling in freshwaters. It's known for its distinctive foraging style, whereby it wraps its slender body around to securely grip prey. Outstandingly, arafuran file snake exhibits a passive hunting behavior by lying at the bottom of the water and waiting for the prey to get close. Typically solitary, arafuran file snake showcases no marked territorial behaviors.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
File snakes Genus
Java wart snakes Species
Arafuran file snake