Algoa bay legless skink
A species of Lance skinks, Also known as Linnaeus' lance skink Scientific name : Acontias orientalis Genus : Lance skinks
Algoa bay legless skink, A species of Lance skinks
Also known as:
Linnaeus' lance skink
Scientific name: Acontias orientalis
Genus: Lance skinks
Description General Info


Acontias orientalis, the Eastern striped blindworm or Eastern Cape legless skink, is a species of lizard in the family Scincidae. It is endemic to South Africa.

General Info

5-8 years
The dietary habits of algoa bay legless skink primarily center around invertebrates, specifically insects and various small arthropods. As a benthic feeder, it specializes in consuming organisms within soil or substrate, making use of its burrowing nature.
Algoa bay legless skink is a limbless reptile with a slender, elongated body covered in smooth, shiny skin. It is predominantly dark brown to black in color, often with lighter colored streaks or speckles. This creature typically measures between 10 to 20 cm in length. Notably, it lacks external ears and visible eyes, instead having small, dark spots for sensing light and dark transitions. Male and female individuals exhibit little to no difference in their physical appearance.
Algoa bay legless skink exhibits elusive, solitary behavior, chiefly subterranean, aiding in camouflaged survival in an arid habitat. They primarily prey on invertebrates, showcasing nocturnal foraging patterns. No known pronounced social or territorial dynamics have been observed within this species.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Lance skinks Species
Algoa bay legless skink