Cape legless skink
A species of Lance skinks Scientific name : Acontias meleagris Genus : Lance skinks
Cape legless skink, A species of Lance skinks
Scientific name: Acontias meleagris
Genus: Lance skinks
Description General Info


Acontias meleagris, the Cape legless skink, is a species of skink found in the southern Cape of South Africa. It has no limbs, like most members of the subfamily Acontinae.

General Info

5-8 years
Cape legless skink is primarily insectivorous, consuming a diet majorly of various insect species. It displays particular preference for ants and termites, exploiting their nests for nutrient-rich larvae.
Cape legless skink is a snake-like reptile, typically measuring 15-40 cm in length. Its legless body is cylindrical with a flat underneath. The skin is scales-covered and appears glossy. The most common coloration is a mix of grey and brown with irregular dark spots, although a lighter, almost white morph also exists. Adult males are slightly smaller than females but possess a thicker tail. Juveniles resemble adults but have a more vibrant coloration.
Cape legless skink is a fossorial species, spending most of its life underground in burrows it excavates. Its solitary, territorial nature is demonstrated by its aggressive defense of its territory when disturbed. It primarily feeds on soft-bodied invertebrates, especially earthworms. This nocturnal pattern of activity keeps it safe from diurnal predators.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Lance skinks Species
Cape legless skink