Acontias lineatus lineatus
A species of Lance skinks Scientific name : Acontias lineatus lineatus Genus : Lance skinks
Acontias lineatus lineatus, A species of Lance skinks
Scientific name: Acontias lineatus lineatus
Genus: Lance skinks
Description General Info


Acontias lineatus lineatus is a subterranean reptile possessing a specialized lifestyle largely dedicated to burrowing, primarily in sandy, dry soil. This behavior not only offers protection from predators but also allows easy access to its preferred diet of insect larvae. Furthermore, its oviparous reproduction mode has adapted to offer nest protection, with females laying eggs in their deep burrows to guard their offspring from external threats.

General Info

5-8 years
The diet of acontias lineatus lineatus predominantly consists of invertebrates found in its natural habitat. These include small limited mobility organisms like beetles, snails, and various worms, which are consumed to fulfill its nourishment needs.
Acontias lineatus lineatus is a burrowing lizard of diminutive size, exhibiting an elongated, limbless body with smooth, scales skin. Mostly uniform in color, it sports a distinct striped pattern, grey-brown in hue with alternating dark brown and white stripes running longitudinally down its length. There are no significant differences observed across age or gender in this species.
Acontias lineatus lineatus is a fossorial species that spends the majority of its life burrowed underground, surfacing only for foraging and mating. This solitary animal is dominantly territorial, defending its space aggressively. Adapted for an underground lifestyle, it exhibits a distinctive writhing motion to traverse beneath the surface.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Lance skinks Species
Acontias lineatus lineatus