Lined lance skink
A species of Lance skinks, Also known as Striped legless lizard Scientific name : Acontias lineatus Genus : Lance skinks
Lined lance skink, A species of Lance skinks
Also known as:
Striped legless lizard
Scientific name: Acontias lineatus
Genus: Lance skinks
Description General Info


Acontias lineatus, the striped dwarf legless skink or lined lance skink, is a species of lizard in the family Scincidae. It is found in South Africa and Namibia.

General Info

8-10 years
Lined lance skink primarily subsists on a carnivorous diet, feeding especially on invertebrates. It employs a 'sit-and-wait' strategy, ambushing prey such as insects, spiders, and small arthropods for sustenance.
Lined lance skink is a modest-sized limbless lizard with a slender elongated body, lacking any noticeable neck. Its skin is smooth and shiny, predominantly a striking beige to light brown with thin, dark undulating stripes along the length of the body. Unlike many lizards, lined lance skink does not have a protruding external ear opening. The sexes are alike in appearance, mutually characterized by their small, glossy eyes and a tapered pointed tail.
Lined lance skink is a solitary ground-dwelling species that burrows frequently to avoid predators and procure food. Largely terrestrial, these animals do not conduct any significant migratory behavior. They show a remarkable adaptation of moving sand with the help of scales, which serves both foraging and territory marking purposes.

Scientific Classification

Chordates Class
Reptiles Order
Lizards and snakes Family
Skinks Genus
Lance skinks Species
Lined lance skink