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Acanthodactylus erythrurus erythrurus

A species of Fringe-fingered lizards
Scientific name : Acanthodactylus erythrurus erythrurus Genus : Fringe-fingered lizards

Acanthodactylus erythrurus erythrurus, A species of Fringe-fingered lizards
Scientific name: Acanthodactylus erythrurus erythrurus
Genus: Fringe-fingered lizards


Acanthodactylus erythrurus erythrurus is a terrestrial lizard, thriving predominantly in Mediterranean ecosystems. It leverages its diurnal nature by basking for thermoregulation and hunting invertebrates actively. Intriguingly, males of this species employ a unique push-up display to ward off rivals and court females, underpinning their territorial and polygynous behaviors.

General Info


5-12 years


Acanthodactylus erythrurus erythrurus primarily consumes invertebrates, favoring ants, beetles and spiders. Many of its meals involve small arthropods, showcasing its expertise in hunting minute, elusive prey in its arid habitat.


Acanthodactylus erythrurus erythrurus is a medium-sized lizard, with lengths reaching up to 24 cm. It has a slim, elongated body covered in fine-scaled, rough-textured skin. Dominant coloration varies from sandy-yellow to reddish-brown, marked with thick, dark lateral stripes and spots. Its tail is distinctly banded and gradually pointed. The species displays sexual dimorphism, with males boasting brighter coloration and larger size compared to females.


Acanthodactylus erythrurus erythrurus is notable for its diurnal habits, typically exhibiting high activity during the early morning and late afternoon. It is essentially a solitary species, with dominant males showing strong territorial tendencies. Uniquely, acanthodactylus erythrurus erythrurus constructs burrows which it aggressively defends. Its survival adaptations predominantly involve thermoregulation, carefully moderating its body temperature using varying microhabitats within its range.
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