Terrestrial arboreal alligator lizard
A species of Arboreal alligator lizards Scientific name : Abronia graminea Genus : Arboreal alligator lizards
Terrestrial arboreal alligator lizard, A species of Arboreal alligator lizards
Scientific name: Abronia graminea
Genus: Arboreal alligator lizards
Description General Info


Abronia graminea is an endangered arboreal alligator lizard described in 1864 by Cope.

General Info

8-12 years
The dietary habits of terrestrial arboreal alligator lizard prominently feature insects. This arboreal alligator lizard prefers consuming soft-bodied arthropods such as spiders, moths, and caterpillars, specifically under nocturnal conditions.
Terrestrial arboreal alligator lizard is a small, arboreal lizard with a slender body covered in granular scales. Its body predominantly illustrates a vibrant shade of green, while the underbellies are slightly paler. The tail is prehensile and noticeably long, almost equal to the length of its body. There are no significant differences in appearances between the genders and ages.
Terrestrial arboreal alligator lizard are arboreal nocturnal lizards primarily inhabiting the tropical rainforests. They frequently participate in mutual grooming, helping to remove parasites. This species exhibits a remarkable vocal communication, especially in defense of their territory. Notably, it reproduces viviparously, adapting to a cooler mountain climate. Adult males typically exhibit aggressive posturing during mating season.

Scientific Classification